Steel is one of the most gratifying targets to shoot. It is reactive, loud, sounds destructive and nothing can beat the experience. There are two main problems with steel for most range-goers such as myself, the first being the amount of space they take up (which conjoins with portability) and the second is cost.

Gong Shot has created a few solutions for the problems I have had with steel in the past. A majority of their targets cost between $75-$150 and all are made from AR 500 or AR 400 Steel. With a price point that ranges from two and three digits, Gong Shot caters to daily shooters such as myself.

Their target stands are very low-profile. Thanks to that, I’m able keep the reviewed 12” gong target and stand in my trunk with no real affect on what I can store. The stand requires that you provide a 2×4 to hold the base and the gong together as a target stand. This allows you to configure the height of your target for different distances and styles of shooting, which is an added bonus.

We had no issues with ricochets or any debris coming back at the shooting area due to the slight backwards angle of the target as displayed in the video. All in all this is a great target for the budget-minded shooter that wants to spice up a boring range day. We have put well over 2000 rounds into this target from distances varying from 10 feet to 25 meters and still have no dents or divots in the front of the plate. Make sure you check out for some high-quality, affordable targets!